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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the CAHPS Survey

1. What is the CAHPS Survey?

The Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) Survey asks members about their experiences with healthcare and their health plan. It helps health plans, like Delaware First Health, know what they're doing well and where they can do better.

2. Why does the CAHPS Survey matter?

It's important because it lets healthcare providers and health plans understand how members feel about their care. This helps them make improvements and provide better service in the future.

3. What questions are on the CAHPS Survey?

The survey asks about things like how well members can talk to their doctors, how easy it is to get appointments, and if they're happy with the care they get. The survey also asks about member experience with their health plan and customer service.

4. How do people take the CAHPS Survey?

A random sample of members get asked to take the survey by mail, on the phone, or online. The survey is completely optional.

5. Can anyone see the results of the CAHPS Survey?

Yes, the results are shared publicly so everyone can know how well healthcare providers and health plans are doing. The results of the survey are anonymous.

6. Can people skip the CAHPS Survey if they want to?

Yes, it's up to them if they want to take the survey or not. But it's helpful if they do because it helps improve healthcare and overall experience.

7. How often does the CAHPS Survey happen?

A random sample of members are asked to take the survey once per year, usually in the Spring.